Ways to Change the Workplace with Prina Shah
This podcast is all about helping you to find Ways to Change the Workplace. We spend more time of our waking day at work than with loved ones, my mission is to make your workplace a good place to be! Sometimes I speak to amazing thought leaders, sometimes the podcasts will be solo episodes. I am Prina Shah, I am a Global Coach, Consultant, Trainer and Speaker with 20+ years of experience in developing Executives, Leaders and Teams. My specialty is in developing your people and working with you to optimise your organisational cultures. Thank you for tuning in! Prina (can't wait to share great things with you) Shah
Ways to Change the Workplace with Prina Shah
41. Leading Inclusion: Drive Change Your Employees Can See and Feel with Dr. Gena Cox and Prina Shah
Do you feel like a fake, phony and fraud at work? Are you holding back parts of you?
Did you know that many people of colour don’t enjoy being in the workplace because of a raft of reasons…
Has your workplace rolled out Unconscious Bias training as part of their diversity and equity efforts? Have they missed the mark?
About today’s episode:
Today I chat with Dr Gena Cox all the way from Florida. Dr. Gena Cox is an organizational psychologist and executive coach. She is the author of Leading Inclusion, a groundbreaking guidebook for corporate leaders who want to build inclusive organizations from the top down.
I speak with Gena about: Leading Inclusion: Drive Change Your Employees Can See and Feel
Watch the youtube version here!
Gena talks about:
- Her past experiences of not fitting into the workplace.
- The internal conflicts that people from a minority background face at work.
- How people from minority backgrounds address their internal conflicts to fit in.
- How the employee experience can be drastically enhanced for minorities.
- The importance of understanding people’s racial histories and stories.
- I share my Dad’s migration story of moving as a senior leader from Kenya to taking on manual labour work in the UK and what effects it had on him.
- Tips on how individuals, leaders and your organisation can lead inclusion the right way at your workplace!
- And listen in to Gena’s answer to my question: if you had a magic wand, what is one way you would change the workplace?
About today’s guest: Dr. Gena Cox is an organizational psychologist and executive coach. She is the author of Leading Inclusion, a groundbreaking guidebook for corporate leaders who want to build inclusive organizations from the top down. Before this, at IBM and Perceptyx,
Resources and links
Connect with Gena and check out her
If you are seeking professional advice or would like to change your company culture through training, consulting, speaking and coaching, get in touch with Prina Shah today. Email Prina.
For More Info on Prina Shah & her Services:
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Prina (Helping you find GREAT ways to change your workplace...