Ways to Change the Workplace with Prina Shah
This podcast is all about helping you to find Ways to Change the Workplace. We spend more time of our waking day at work than with loved ones, my mission is to make your workplace a good place to be! Sometimes I speak to amazing thought leaders, sometimes the podcasts will be solo episodes. I am Prina Shah, I am a Global Coach, Consultant, Trainer and Speaker with 20+ years of experience in developing Executives, Leaders and Teams. My specialty is in developing your people and working with you to optimise your organisational cultures. Thank you for tuning in! Prina (can't wait to share great things with you) Shah
Ways to Change the Workplace with Prina Shah
150. Why I do what I do + announcing a break with Prina Shah
This is a retro ep. with an announcement that I am taking a break from podcasting as I am getting burned out. I need a break. I will return in 2025.
For now, hear my origin story...
Trigger warning for anyone affected by alcoholism or domestic violence.
My story is one I haven't told many.
Michelle, my client, asked me why I do what I do a while ago.
She wanted to know what motivates me to work with organisations to develop their people, teams and cultures.
I gave her the most generic response because I didn't know how to articulate my story.
My story begins with finding my Poppa's (Dad's) dead body in January 2000.
My life has never been the same since.
That event has impacted the way I live, work and love.
Tune in to this episode to find out more about why I do what I do.
Your partner in finding good Ways to Change the Workplace!
Buy my book, "Make Work Meaningful: How to Create a Culture That Leaves a Legacy" and leave me your review on Amazon!
If you are seeking professional advice or would like to change your company culture through training, consulting, speaking and coaching, get in touch with Prina Shah today. Email Prina.
For More Info on Prina Shah & her Services:
Grab a copy of Make Work Meaningful and start creating your own legacy at work and leave me a review.
Subscribe to the Ways to Change the Workplace Podcast for more actionable insights.
Prina Shah LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/prinashah/
Prina Shah Website - https://www.prinashah.com/
Prina Shah Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/groups/waystochangetheworkplace
Prina Shah Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/prina.shah/
Prina Shah YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@prinashahconsulting
Prina (Helping you find GREAT ways to change your workplace...